The story of musically gifted Sujoy

James Lee
3 min readOct 16, 2022

Sujoy ,Born and raised in New York, has a love for music that dates back to before he could remember. As recounted by his Father, Sujoy as an infant would not be able to sleep unless taken in the car and driven around, music playing, until the sounds would lull him to sleep at night. He began to teach himself how to play guitar, so that he could accompany himself while he sang. Learning to play guitar and sing provided Sujoy with an outlet of expression that he had not known before. Today, Sujoy’s love for music is driven by music’s ability to act as an extension of himself which he can share with the world. He creates music in hopes of changing people’s lives and everyday moments. He draws inspiration from all things around him, learning from his past mistakes, triumphs, relationships and confrontations.



James Lee
James Lee

Written by James Lee

Chris Collins is an American multimedia journalist from Los Angelas, California

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