Meet Young Ghost

James Lee


What’s Your name and where are you from ?

I go by Young Ghost I’m originally from Vallejo California but been located in Cincinnati Ohio for about 3 years now.

Why do you love what you do?

It gives me the space and opportunity to express my self in ways other than just speaking to someone, me speaking to someone won’t always help. It still leaves a empty space but after I get it on a track it feels more complete within. In other words it’s a stress reliever making music is where I get my peace. I’ve been doing it for so long that now is apart of my life starting to be more than a habit and I’m good at it so it became something that I love. I don’t see myself stopping rather it becomes a career or hobby.

What makes you different ?

My work is more on the authentic side, I speak from experience and personal life experiences. I’m versatile I can step into different genres of music and create at a high level, I record myself so I’m a artist and a upcoming producer. I don’t see myself having a ceiling I believe my talent can’t be matched once I get rolling. I’m very detailed in how I create, I have a natural sound for beats, I am also like a sponge I soak in everything, everything is about progression with me. I’m always open to learning something new. I pick up on things very quickly, I pay attention to detailed, I’m very passionate about my craft.

What do you want in life ?

To be able to break my family chain and buy my mother the house of her dreams and create wealth for my family and kids kids when I have them. I want to be the father I never had. I want people to look at me and say he grind and worked for everything that came his way & that he was a solid individual. Buying my mother a house is the number one thing on my list. So if I could do anything in life that may be the one I put first on my list.

What do you bring to the industry ?

I bring a different sound and versatility from the Bay Area to the industry that hasn’t been heard yet I don’t think my sound is something that can be duplicated also I believe my sound is something the industry will be able to gravitate towards. With my word play and punchlines and the way I can express myself by opening up a space of vulnerability that helps me create. Which is made by life experiences, dreams and wishes, that I created throughout my life from a kid to now and in the future.

What do you want to be remembered by ?

I want to be remembered as someone that gave his all to do what it takes to provide and get his family out the the trenches, I want to be remembered as a great friend Brother soul mate and artist. I want to be able to give back and give opportunities that I wish was there when I needed them. I want to be remembered as a HERO in my city. Someone that others can look at and be expired to achieve all the goals they dream of. Because if I can some how do I believe anyone can do it, growing up where I’m from nobody would expect you to make it out to become anything, so me being able to be the man that makes history out of the city of Vallejo California, would be all I can ask for.



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