Getting to know music artist MeatSpady

James Lee
3 min readDec 23, 2022

What’s your name and where are you from?

My artist name is MeatSpady. It is derived of my actual birth name Demetrius Spady-McBride. I am from Philadelphia Pennsylvania. North Philly if we are being exact.

Why do you love music?

I love music because it allows people to express their emotions and vulnerabilities to a variety of people from different cultures around the world. Besides food, and tragedy, I think it’s one of the only things that can bring us together as human beings. It’s the best forms of connectivity that we all share in common. Music gives us the opportunity to inspire, inform, and identify on many levels through the single action of just listening.

What makes you different as a music artist?

What makes me different as a music artist is that I’m true to myself. I show up in every room as myself and I leave every room as myself. This inspires my art and it’s what gives me pride in my work. It doesn’t allow me to half ass or slack in any areas of the art form or what comes with it. It’s a different level of appreciation.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?



James Lee

Chris Collins is an American multimedia journalist from Los Angelas, California