Member-only story
What’s your name?
My full name is Carlos Santiago Enis.
Tell us about your business:
The business/brand that I am building evolves around modeling and fitness. I am a developing model that is passionate about exercise and nutrition. I currently utilize my social media platforms to promote mental health, fitness, nutrition, and post stories with tips to help others who would like to begin modeling.
What makes you different?
What makes me standout in this industry is my consistency and drive towards self-improvement. No matter how many goals I have achieved before I always believe there is room for improvement. The ability to be able to continue to grow after every goal that I achieve is what inspires me. Setting goals for myself with fitness, modeling, and education allow me to experience a journey where I am able to build healthy habits that aid me as I strive towards becoming the man I envision myself as in the future. While this is my journey, and I am the one dedicating the time and effort, my trials and tribulations will serve as learning experience for others who also strive to improve themselves. I am where I am today because of the help and knowledge I have received from those more experienced than me. I owe my…