What’s your name and where are you from?
GHOSTX is my name officially. A lot of people call me GHOST314 or simply GHOST. St. Louis is my city, my home and where I was raised. Ferguson is my neighborhood that groomed me and showed me what the streets and being in them were about.
Why do you love what you do?
Music is a game changer! So is entertaining in general. With no words, just music alone can encompass every feeling and every emotion a person can have. The right song, at the right time and the right place, can change an entire atmosphere. It can literally give you goosebumps and make your hair stand up. The power of having an entire crowd waiting to hear your next lyrics, people stopping you on the streets saying they wish they could put words together like you, is overwhelming. I love it because it saved my life! Without music there’s no telling where I’d be. I’ll forever love music along with the feelings and emotions it brings people.
What makes you different?
A lot of things make me different; my work ethic, attention to detail, professionalism, life experiences which give me material, the way my brain works, develops strategies, plots and plans. The way I put words together and fit them like puzzle pieces of a puzzle that only I can see until it’s complete. My haircuts, my live shows, my live interviews, the way I conduct myself and the substance of my music. All these things make me different and set me apart from other artists. One of the most important things that make me different is the reason I do it, the reason I grind and hustle at it in some kind of way daily. I don’t do it for the money, otherwise I would’ve quit years ago. It’s for the love of music and what it brings to people.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years, I’ll have a few independent films directed by me under my belt. I’ll be in several acting roles as well as have music projects. In 5 years, I see myself still working towards that ultimate goal of mogul status, owning my own label, publishing and entertainment companies. In 5 years, I plan to have my name in every aspect of entertainment you can think of. Writing, acting, music, directing, producing, modeling, voice overs and whatever else I can do that is within my talent set. I’ve got huge dreams; and with prayer, planning, strategy, talent, relationships and sometimes just being at the right place at the right time, I’ll get there.
What do you bring to your industry?
I bring a different style that I can easily flip, slow down or speed up. I bring a hunger that hasn’t been seen, a story that hasn’t been heard, and pain that’s never been felt. I have a genuine love and passion for creating in music form and sharing it with the world. I bring a competitive nature, versatility and relatability. I bring ME.
What do you want to be remembered by?
I want to be remembered by my grind. You can teach somebody how to put words together, you can teach the technical structure of a song, a chorus or bridge. You can teach someone how to count bars and different rhyme schemes, but you can’t teach them hustle and passion. You can’t teach grind and hunger or even teach how to be a star. You either got it or you don’t. My level of discipline is second to none. Of course my lyrical ability, but mainly my work ethic and discipline. If I’m remembered for those things, my mission is complete, the accolades will come.