Tell us about you:
I grew up in Santa Barbara Ca and my big brother got me into making music originally , but mostly just to compete with him . He had a bit of a career happening but ended up in prison. I have 5 siblings and I’m the youngest . Lost my dad to cancer when I was 19 but he played a huge roll in my life and in me having the confidence to make music . I first shared my talent with others when I was about 13 at a bonfire I freestyled after drinking some liquid courage and people actually liked me . I’ve done a few shows at small clubs in town . My favorite is have to say though was opening up for Andre Nickatina , to me he was a legend and being in the same place seemed like a shock. Since then I’ve started me as a business going by the name Lucid FOE (foe standing for freedom of expression). What makes me different than my peers is my drive. I know for a fact I’ll make it one way or another if i keep working at this and investing in myself. I have a daughter and I lost my dad with that it made me work harder than ever. No safety net. That drive doesn’t let me stop.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In five years I see myself working for myself and being successful at it.